direct booking

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exclusive advantages for those who book directly

The best rate

Book directly from our site and get the best available rate!

direct contact

This will allow us to offer you the solution that best suits your needs!

special deals

Only if you book on this official website you will be entitled to exclusive special offers.

free cancellation

You can cancel your reservation up to 48 hours before your arrival without penalty.

The best rate

only on our official website

Booking directly on our official website you will not have intermediation costs because your contact person is unique and clear, WE Locanda Giustini Hotel. Booking, changing or canceling a reservation will be easy and immediate. No commission in addition to pay and handling of the file becomes simple and immediate.

we are waiting for you in assisi

Book your stay in The Locanda Giustini Hotel directly on our official website at the best rate guaranteed! Get 13% discount immediately!

Save up to 13%!


direct booking


+ 35 reviews

The best rate guaranteed
Book on our website and get 13% discount
  • no commissions
    Because not paying commissions to the portals we can save money and get you a discount.
  • save money
    Book on our official website to have an access to amazing deals!

The discount is based if you book directly with us

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